How to date

How to date

There are a lot of things you cant handle on a date. How do you show interest without seeming needy or eager? How do you get to know someone without seeming nosy or rude? How can you find out what the other person thinks of you, or let the other person know what you think, without upsetting both parties? Dating is a technical job, but this article will help you date successfully and have a great time!


Set yourself up for success

1.Set expectations

Why are you dating? What do you want? Is it a lifelong commitment, or a brief moment of warmth? Whether or not you are looking for a partner for life has a big impact on how you date.

If youre just having fun and looking for someone to hang out with, the most important thing is whether you hit it off. Flirting and sexual attraction are important considerations.

If youre serious about finding a partner, look beyond the shyness and awkwardness of first dates and go on more dates to get to know each other. Personality compatibility and emotional communication are important considerations.

Most people want both fun and commitment, but you have to know what youre looking for in order to figure out if the other person is the same.

2.Decide on a date

In todays society, just wanting to date isnt enough. You have to know how to date. Because there are many ways to date, each with its pros and cons, one should not be limited to one method. In fact, try different approaches to improve your chances of success:

Try online dating. Online dating is the future. Create a profile, browse through other peoples profiles, and set up an appointment to meet if both parties are willing. Online dating is very efficient, not only for those who are a little shy, but also for others. However, many people will lie about their personal information, and sometimes online love cant really turn into a real relationship.

Meet people at a bar or club. Its not easy to strike up a conversation in a club or bar. You have to be confident and get along well with the opposite sex. This method works well for many people. This kind of dating is more informal, generally there is no specific goal, there is an eye to talk, but it is not absolute.

Ask a friend to introduce you. Friends at least know you better than others, so why not ask them to introduce you? Asking a friend to set you up is either a total disaster or a huge success, so why not give it a try?

3.Look your best

Maybe you tell yourself that looks dont matter when it comes to love. Its true, but you didnt start out in love. Although lasting love and emotional communication is the basis of the relationship, and has nothing to do with appearance or grooming, the first impression you give the other person is related to appearance or grooming! Making a good first impression can go a long way in the relationship! Dont forget to be yourself, because people dont like superficial looks, words or actions. Stay true to yourself, and if your date likes you, you want him or her to like your personality and appreciate you for who you are, not because you wear makeup to look good or wear the most flattering clothes. How much attention you pay to your appearance says a lot about your personality.

Boys, look. Learn where and how to grow hair, how to clean your skin, when to shave, how to make sure your breath is fresh before you kiss. Dont underestimate these steps!

Girl, look. The general content is similar to that of boys, but there are also obvious differences. You need to know how to maintain your hair, skin, make up, accessorize, and other dressing tips that women trust.

4.Accept any outcome

On a date, you might get rejected. In fact, if youre not getting rejected, its probably because youre not trying your hardest. As long as youre prepared, it doesnt matter if youre popular or rejected by a potential partner. So, you wont stop meeting interesting new people, which increases your chances of success.

Easier said than done, dont worry too much about the results. You have to develop a thick skin to really master it. But its worth it, because too many people are afraid of rejection and dont take it any further.

present yourself

1.Show yourself

You dont have to go to a bar or club to make new friends (although you can do that if you like). Do activities that interest you and that mean a lot to you. If you can meet interesting people in places that make you happy, you are likely to be on the same page with each other and immediately find a connection between you!

The Internet has made making friends much easier. Browse forums, classifieds, classifieds, and web newsletter lists (also known as mailing lists) to see what local events or gatherings are being held that might attract like-minded people.

When participating in activities, be bold and bold. If putting yourself out there isnt your style, make yourself approachable and show off your charm. Maintain eye contact, smile slightly, raise your eyebrows, and make eye contact with the object of your desire across the room.

2.Learn small talk

A lot of people say they hate dating, but they probably just hate talking. Its normal. Its not easy talking. You usually know nothing about the other person, so you have to find common ground. Fortunately, the hardest part is just the beginning. Start small, and once you find common ground, you can go deeper and talk about a wider range of topics. Remember, you are who you are and you dont need to pretend you like a certain flavor of ice cream or know all about a movie youve never heard of in order to impress someone. You can disagree with the other person and express your opinion politely. Here are some chat tips to help:

Ask. Ask open-ended questions that allow for detailed responses. For example, What made you interested in rock climbing? Are you interested in rock climbing? Much better.

Pick topics from your surroundings. Its not the weather, its what you happen to be doing. If you happen to meet someone playing beach volleyball, say, Youre pretty good! Maybe I can catch you next time Im here? Do you play here often?

Look for connections in what the other person is saying. If the other person talks about a physics teacher they particularly liked and you know something about it, dont be afraid to share it with them: I had a teacher like that once. It was fun to set things on fire and make explosions in class.

3.Dont be afraid to laugh at yourself

Youre nervous, your palms are sweaty, your heart is racing. All of a sudden you stumble and say something really stupid. What should you do? Do you keep a straight face and be embarrassed? Or do you smile and laugh at yourself? Theres nothing wrong with laughing at yourself. In fact, some people find their date a little nervous and cute. They will laugh with you and break the ice. You can also relax and be less nervous.

You might as well make fun of yourself. Wow, so I stutter in front of beautiful women! Thanks for letting me know that! This will put both of you at ease and let the other person know that youre not too stuffy. A study has shown that humour and jokefulness are the most important elements of dating.

4.Know how to choose

Don’t date everyone who is even remotely interested in you. Although it is said that you should not judge people by their appearance, but people who know how to choose seem more attractive. It may be because you have a set of standards in your heart, which shows that you know how to love yourself and will not date people casually.

You cant be too picky. If you insist on waiting for the perfect other half, you will definitely miss him. If there are 10 people in the room with similar interests, you should be able to pick one or two dates, not zero, not 10. Every time you go to an event, dont show any lack of interest and leave without talking to anyone. Exchange phone numbers and face-to-face contact to show that youre eager to build an actual relationship.

Someone wants to ask you out, but youre not interested? Dont use excuses like Im busy or Im not ready to date right now. They will eventually figure out that you just dont want to make time for him and are only not ready when you ask him out. This is more humiliating and hurtful than rejection. Respond appropriately, smile and say, No, thank you, I appreciate your consideration. Then change the subject to defuse the unpleasant situation.

5.Ask for a date

If you feel that the interaction went well at first, you might as well be bold and ask for a date. Its hard, but you can do it. Dont beat around the bush. Its not easy to ask for a date, but the other person will appreciate your honesty. You can:

Genuinely say, Youre funny. Do you want to get a drink this week?

Romantically said: When I saw you from across the room, my eyes lit up. After I started chatting with you, I felt my eyes lit up even more. Do you want to have a drink together later?

A successful first date

1.Make a good first impression

Not only do you want the other person to enjoy the date, but you want them to like you as a person. Remember to be considerate, charming, and yourself. Try to retain some mystery and let the other person discover you.

Show good manners. Remember to turn off your phone. Unless you are a doctor, dont check your cell phone or answer it. If you eat together, youd better learn table manners.

Focus on your date. Dont steal glances at others (no matter how fast you glance). Dont act uninterested or frown. Dont daze while the other person is eating or talking to avoid seeming eager to leave as soon as possible.

Dont talk about your love history. This is a big no-no and a sure-fire way to turn the other person off. Theyll think youre not over it. If the person asks about your relationship history, say that you and your ex didnt hit it off as well as you first thought, so youre looking for someone who is more compatible and will be happier together. Keep it short and dont ask about your ex.

2.Choose dating shows that are a little exciting

Whether its a roller coaster or a monster truck show, a little excitement goes a long way on a first date. When two people are running out of words to talk about (which is often the case on a first date), these activities can divert attention and increase the attraction between two people. When you engage in stimulating activities with your date, your brain releases dopamine and norepinephrine, hormones related to pleasure, trust, and love. If you can get the other person to produce dopamine and norepinephrine, you have a better chance of success.

3.Show that you are interested in the other person and are an interesting person

Dont brag about your accomplishments, just tell your partner what youre passionate about, what makes you jump out of bed and pursue it without hesitation. Ask them the same questions to find out what theyre passionate about. Feel the emotional impact of talking about your dreams and enjoy the process.

When talking, dont forget to show your sense of humor and let the friendship deepen. Its also good to make some romantic jokes to improve your chances of success with your partner.

Keep a positive attitude. Even if youre having a bad day, greet each other happily with a big smile. When dating, dont complain about traffic, your boss, or your job. If you really want to complain, just complain a few words during the meal and add Im so glad I can be with you right now.

4.Dont make the first date too long

Sometimes a date goes so well that you want to extend it at all costs. This is usually incorrect. No matter how well the date went, always end it after an hour or two. Heres why:

Stop while you can. Dating isnt about how you start, its about how you end. If you spend a full six hours with your partner, the end may not be as exciting as the beginning. Then you take that memory with you and hold it against you until the next time you see him. Its not a good feeling.

Dont move too fast. You need time to get to know someone. Dont deny it. Limit the date to an hour or two, give the person some space, and dont push the other person at first. An hour or two is enough time to decide whether you like this person or not.

Time is shortened to ensure that there is something to say. Its sad to have nothing to say on a first date. But it was fine after the third or fourth time. Keep the date short so you dont start with nothing to talk about.

Further development

1.Dont act so desperate that the other person cant breathe

Do not call, email or text more than once a day unless the person responds. Keep doing your own thing and show your partner that theres more to your life than just dating. But dont overdo the trick of playing hard to get. Just overcome the feeling that you need to connect, meet, or have a lasting relationship. The difference between need and want is patience.

Dont plan your next date too soon. Both partners need time to confirm how they feel about the date and mentally prepare for the next one. Call each other within a short period of time (1 to 7 days) and say how you want the relationship to continue. Like once in a while? Increase or decrease the number of dates? Do you want to be more casual or more formal? Stop dating and just be friends, okay? Or do you have any other ideas?

2.Stay honest

If youre not ready for a serious relationship, you should just tell the other person and dont give them false hope. Not interested in developing with each other, but also frankly tell them, dont cheat them. Explain that its not gonna work out. Dont say you want to be friends with the other person, just see each other more often (unless you really want to). If you intend to interact with your partner more often, you still need to be honest to develop a healthy relationship!

3.Show that you are a mentally mature person

No matter how old you are, show maturity beyond your years. If youre just looking for sex, you need to be upfront about it from the start. However, most people want to develop a more advanced relationship. Show your date that you value honesty, communication, and respect. The other person will be more attracted to you.

Mentally mature people dont rush into sex. If you only want to have sex with someone, you should tell them in an appropriate way. Dont put pressure on the other person. This kind of thing just goes with the flow, and it might take a few more dates to get a chance.

4.Dont try too hard. Just go with the flow

Learn to relax and put in a little thought. If the relationship becomes deeper and more serious, your unique little thoughts will create a lot of good memories for your partner. We all cherish the sweet little gestures of our lovers and the memories that warm our hearts and make us smile.

5.Know what is reasonable dating behavior

There are many unwritten rules about dating. Knowing these rules and why they exist can help you avoid awkward situations. Here are just a few rules, in no particular order:

Its okay to kiss on a first date, especially if its going well, but its better to ask first ( May I kiss you? is simple and effective). If you havent kissed your partner by the third date, they might start asking questions like does he like me? and Whats wrong with him?

Men are not obliged to pay all the bills. It is recommended that men, like gentlemen, pay women for drinks or movies. If its an expensive dinner, its perfectly reasonable to go Dutch. Women shouldnt always expect men to pay.

Dont expect to have sex on the first three dates. Of course, if theres an opportunity, and its the right thing to do, go for it. But dont have expectations beforehand, or you may be disappointed.

Dont be afraid to communicate feelings. Something like I really like you, youre so nice means a lot to the other person. However, it is not recommended to say I love you in the first month of courtship (even if you mean it). First of all, no matter how strongly you feel about the other person, its likely to change. Dont mislead someone with false hope and then suddenly reject him or her. Second, you might scare the other person (which you dont want to). Finally, dont say it lightly if you dont mean it. Dont throw around the word love; it carries a strong meaning. The other person may lose interest in you after speaking up.


Try to lower your expectations for the encounter by using different words and ways to say date. Say Would you like to go to XX bar for a drink? If it doesnt go well, youve also saved yourself a meal or two and not wasted your time with the wrong person. If it goes well, you can go straight to dinner.

Before going out on a one-on-one date, ask out a group of people and try to become friends with each other. This way, you can avoid the awkwardness of the first date and get a general idea of whether you are compatible with each other before committing to a relationship. However, this is not always possible.

If someone asks you to kiss them, you dont have to do it if you dont want to.

Here are three things to keep in mind when dating face-to-face. First, check the zipper and make sure its closed! Second, check your teeth! Remember to brush your teeth and make sure your breath is fresh and free of food debris. Third, get a condom. Who knows when youre gonna need it? Not having a condom would ruin everything.

For the sake of your safety, you must tell a good friend or family member after deciding on a date location. Tell a good friend about your plans and dont change them at the last minute!

Dont bring up exes and past relationships. No one wants to know that you havent gotten over your first true love, and they can only come second.

Dont give out personal information, such as your finances and your exact address, if youre unsure.

While its good to be a gentleman, dont go so far as to scare off your date.

Think about what kind of date someone would go home and tell a friend, Wow, my date was great! I had so much fun with this guy and cant wait to see him again. A psychological connection is more memorable than a physical one.

Ask your male friends and relatives for dating tips. They usually advise you to be chivalrous, a gentleman, that sort of thing.

Wear nice but comfortable clothes.

Be yourself. Dont put pressure on yourself. Do something romantic, like share a noodle and then kiss afterwards, touching on the cheek or forehead.


Know when to be serious and when to be funny. No one likes it when a date keeps joking when theyre supposed to be serious.

Proceed with caution and keep yourself safe. If the person makes you feel uncomfortable, end the date politely without making up excuses. If you feel uneasy, its best to end the date that went awry firmly, politely, and honestly.


how to date

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