9 tips to keep your relationship hot after a brief separation

9 tips to keep your relationship hot after a brief separation

The other half of the east/south/west/north drift, about to go to the field of business, work or study, whether this is the first time or the NTH time, dear other half is not around you, feelings will definitely experience varying degrees of ups and downs.

#1 Discuss future brief separations beforehand

You can set up a time to focus on the upcoming event and share your thoughts. If you have children to take care of, hire a babysitter to take care of them and give the two of you a few hours alone to have an honest, in-depth conversation without ignoring or resisting any emotions or feelings. Dont miss the key points: crisis management, child care, and financial management. At the same time, its important to think about who you have in your family or friends who you can talk to and ask for their support.

#2 Find out how you can stay in touch

Make a list of all the options available, such as text messaging, Internet calls, video calls, E-mail, or even paper mail, and think about which forms of communication and sharing make you feel most connected and which are most convenient. If you dont know how to keep intimate heat with your partner, I strongly recommend you to refer to the love time machine. In the course, I will give you a way to slowly seduce a lot of beautiful exchange memories with messages without putting too much pressure on the other person to want to distance themselves from us. Let your relationship unknowingly boil like a frog in warm water and let the other half slowly maintain that enthusiasm.

#3 Build mutual trust

Trust is important in a relationship, but it is even more important when the couple is separated from each other. To practice to open your heart and not to hide any grievances is the best way to trust. Even if there is a small or huge barrier in your communication, remember that mutual respect plays an equally important role as love.

#4 Busy is your friend. Stay active

The more you live your life to the fullest, the easier it will be to get through the brief separations and obstacles in your relationship. Join parties and clubs and get along well with colleagues and classmates. If you have children, remember to let them live a normal life and grow up well.

#5 Share short stories that happen every day

Listening to each other about the big and small things going on in your life, even the details like a running account, can make your partner far away feel more secure. Relatable details about what your child said, what your pet did that was hilarious, the Michelin-worthy meal you prepared for your family or yourself, etc., will make these conversations more lively and meaningful.

#6 Send a love express

You may think its old-fashioned, but sending a caring package to a distant lover is a timeless way to show your love. A care package is kind of like sending your missing to the other half after materializing it, which can slightly comfort the other halfs homesickness for you. At this time, you can try to be creative, such as snacks put in the ground, funny message notes, customized coupons (when the other half comes back, you can free xxx hospitality coupons, etc.), or deeply meaningful things for the two of you, can let the other half see after the heart of a warm current.

#7 Record your thoughts in a journal and share them with your partner

Heres a little idea: you can set up an online graphic journal (Google doc, Evernote, Dropbox file, etc.) so that your loved one can understand your mood through the Internet. But remember to set up permissions, only you two can see, after all, you dont want passers-by can peek into your life!

#8 This song reminds you of your partner? Post it to your partner immediately

There are always some songs that can bring back the sweet time in your mind, play them from time to time, listen to them attentively, and share them with your distant partner, which can consolidate your feelings.

#9 When your partner cant answer right away, remember to be considerate

Finally, there is one thing you must keep in mind: your partner is in a strange environment and situation, and may not be able to respond to your message right away. Even if the other half chats with you intermittently, it does not mean that the other half does not care about you, it is likely that there is a very urgent matter at hand at the moment, making the other half too busy. You have to trust that your partner will contact you as soon as they are free. If you want to take the initiative to think of the good memories with you when your partner is away from home, and keep in love forever, it is highly recommended that you refer to the love time machine, I will tell you in the course, when you encounter feelings of cold, how to quickly reverse the situation and solve the problem before it occurs, so as to truly maintain the hot love period.

If the anxiety and stress of not being around your loved one gradually increases beyond your tolerance, then you can find someone else to give you strength and listen to your problems. Talk to your brother, a close family member, or a counselor about your troubles, and dont be afraid to ask for help.

Remember, with a thoughtful schedule, just the right dose of mutual trust, and smooth communication, lovers can overcome difficulties and pass through.


stay in love

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