6 Great ways to enjoy sex no matter how busy you are

6 Great ways to enjoy sex no matter how busy you are

Stop saying, Im too tired. If youre really tired all the time, then its time to think about balancing your life. After all, its not long after we distance ourselves from our partners that our relationships begin to suffer. Do more, try new situations, communicate more, stay healthy, and dont use sex as a weapon to punish or threaten each other.

Too much pressure, too much work, more and more we talk about tired, and sex is the last thing on our minds. As everyone knows, whether from the body or the soul level, sex is the best medicine to decompress.

1, the preheat in advance, in advance, and then in advance

Women who love the atmosphere can create a set of love code between themselves and their partners, and use it to convey feelings. Warm up by sending your partner a warm text or seductive email before you leave work or on your way home, or have him pick you up once in a while so you can snuggle up and have a little flirty talk on the way home, and you cant wait to get home.

2. touch with purpose

Sex is about teasing and being teased, eye contact, skin rubbing, lips and teeth touching, fingertips touching. Try to get home, completely pull yourself away from the busy, give each other a warm, strong hug, let each other feel needed. Or start the conversation with a romantic, affectionate kiss and whisper your thoughts in his or her ear, allowing your partner to melt and relax in your enthusiasm. Or let him give you a opposite sex massage, from the temples, neck, shoulders, to buttocks and thighs, to fully enjoy the slow down. This massage will completely relax you and turn him on, and before long, youll both be eager to explore further.

3, short sex is also a stress reliever

In fact, the sex time in 3 to 20 minutes are normal, even if the time is short, it will be beneficial to the body and mind. Occasionally, when he wants and you are not sexual, you can occasionally let him have a quick sex. As long as 3 to 5 minutes, men can be completely released, which can weaken mens exclusion of foreplay and master the initiative of sex.

4. Keep trying new approaches

Sex, such as music, should have ups and downs, and the same way of sex will make people feel boring. However, the innovation of sexual love should be acceptable to both people. Try new poses together, find new sensitive areas, even use some sex toys, experiment with combining food and sex honey, ice cream, chocolate sauce, cream, whatever makes you happy. Dont fall into the stereotypes, and take the opportunity to spice up your sex life.

5. When desire strikes, dont worry so much

Men have an instinct to do what they want, which also leaves women who are used to receiving often in a passive state. In fact, when women desire strikes, whether in the morning before work or on the way home from work, hurry to find him! What? It only happens once or twice a month? What are you afraid of?! If it feels so good, whos in the way? However, remember to mute the phone and close the bedroom door, so that the time of not being disturbed can be more open.

6. Let the lubricant help

What if your body is too stiff or not excited enough, and youre already in the mood? You can use a lubricant to help. To keep sex smooth, invest in quality lubricants

With too much pressure and too busy work, we talk about tired more and more, and sex is the last thing in our minds. As everyone knows, sex is the best stress reliever, both physically and mentally.


Enjoy sex

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