Be in love and be mysterious!

Be in love and be mysterious!

Fear of sticky fear of entanglement is the nature of men, want a long flow of love, these 4 points can be done!

In the period of love, you always want to show the best side of the other half, want to do something for each other, or hope that each other can be together all the time, but the more efforts to achieve these requirements, the two sides are particularly prone to disputes, but also lead to enthusiasm to pass quickly, and finally no freshness, feelings will gradually cool down, in fact, in a relationship, Keeping a sense of mystery is very important, but it is also the secret of keeping love fresh!

1. Pursue semi-sugarism

Half sugar is the two parties can maintain a certain distance to get to know each other, reduce the chance of friction and arguments between each other, the most important is to give each other and their own time alone, at this time can also think about what they need in love.

The time to stick hard with each other greasy together, while giving him the time and opportunity to deal with their own affairs, dont always unreasonable, so as to keep the feelings sweet, continue to go on.

2. Dont overdo it

The more you care about each other, the more you care about each other, and it is easy to ignore each others inner thoughts and force him, this concern has deteriorated into a kind of pressure, when he can no longer accept it, he may choose to break up.

Instead of forcing each other to report daily, it is better to develop a tacit understanding that each other actively report their own schedule and location, and trust each other completely, so that it will not become a annoying check behavior.

3. Be mysterious

The so-called mystery is not to hide something from him, but to retain your charm and slowly radiate it in the course of the relationship. If you are too frank and frank, the other party will soon know all the details of you, and it is easy to lose the original interest and enthusiasm.

Retain some mystery, can naturally attract each others attention, but also let him want to continue to explore the charm of your body!

4. Increase common topics

This is a good opportunity to let each other know more about each other, whether it is to cultivate an interest or habit together, can help you produce a common topic, cultivate tacit understanding in the process, let him get used to your existence, while maintaining the coordination of the two people, but also will not produce a sense of burnout


stay in love

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