Know how to ask the 7 Shy Questions to bring your heart closer

Know how to ask the 7 Shy Questions to bring your heart closer

You have found that the two people who have been stable for a while can talk less and less recently, and the other half rarely take the initiative to invite you to travel together, the distance between the two hearts seems to become farther away, this unspeakable cold makes the two people get along particularly awkward, want to narrow the distance between each other, Psychotherapist Barton Goldsmith offers seven simple questions to help you understand your partners secrets.

1. How can I help you now?

If you find yourself with free time, why not spend every minute with your partner? A lot of people in relationships tend to focus on their own things, but if youre willing to take some time off to work on a task with them, its really helpful for your relationship.

2. What can I do to make you feel I love you?

I love you are three words that couples are good at saying, but putting them into action can make your partner feel your love. Maybe your lover wants you to exercise with him to lose weight, or wants you to watch a concert with him. No matter whether you can meet his requirements, but when you show your sincerity and willingness to work hard, he will know how to cherish your love.

3. Are there any little things youd like me to change?

Yes, this issue can lead to serious and difficult conversations, so emphasizing small things can be less damaging and wont set each other off. Sometimes we unconsciously do things that make our partner feel uncomfortable, such as throwing dirty clothes, or not cleaning up leftover food, etc., and the other half can only silently clean up the aftermath. By asking this question, you can avoid the little things that ultimately lead to a breakup.

Young couple planning a trip on a map, with a guide book on a picknick table, with pastries and soda bottles

4. Is there any particular place you want to go?

At present, perhaps two people do not have the ability to fly to expensive countries such as Europe, but you can try to plan a simple domestic trip together, taking each others needs into account, this trip is definitely looking forward to, but also let each others hearts closer.

5. What makes you happy about our life together?

This question will make the other person think about everything in the relationship and focus on only the happy things. When he remembers how close they were in the past, he can lay a deeper foundation for the future.

6. What can I do to make you feel more loved?

This gentle question may leave your partner unsure how to answer for a while, but its worth asking because even if youre in a good relationship, your partner is bound to think of ways to make your love feel even more powerful.

7. Is there anything we havent done that you really want to do?

This question inspires two people because boredom is the worst thing in a relationship, until the two are motivated to try new things together that can help bring each other closer. When we get caught up in our daily lives, even partners with good communication skills often forget to care about their partners needs. If you can ask questions in the relationship at the right time, the relationship will develop better and the heart will be closer.


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