Stable male and female friends get along with boring can make the love relationship long?

Stable male and female friends get along with boring can make the love relationship long?

What is the way for couples to get along? You ask anyone who wants a lasting relationship! After the sweet phase of love, life becomes dull and boring, and some couples begin to worry about the change in the relationship, or blame their partner for the change. In fact, some experts say that boring and plain can maintain a happy long-term relationship, in the end, the solution? Take a look at these 7 tips for couples to get along with!

How couples get along: Love experts say that a boring relationship can maintain a long-term relationship

The lovers in the hot love period are of course the sweetest stage, but after the sweet period, the relationship between everyone begins to become plain and simple, and the sparks between everyone will reduce. When the season is big, people may feel worried about what to give gifts, and where to go on a date becomes a headache. Its not easy to be in a stable, long-term relationship.

The main way to maintain a stable long-term relationship is to be boring! Love experts point out that couples are more likely to be bored than surprised. Your relationship will be happier, which is an important part of a long-term relationship.

Why can a boring relationship have a stable and long-term relationship?

In his book The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, American best-selling author Mark Manson mentioned several points to analyze the boring pattern of couples

Bored man yawning while woman keeps talking. Young couple having boring conversation at home.

1. Dont be afraid of a mediocre love life

Nowadays, there is a trend in society and even social platforms that life must be different to be wonderful, and love is the same. With this trend, many celebrities, Kols, etc. like to put flashes on social platforms, not only to show off their love lives to the world, but also to tell others where their love wins. So many people will compare, unconsciously think that sweet couples have a rich schedule, expensive gifts and so on. Unconsciously, they began to doubt their love relationship, and added invisible pressure to the other half and themselves.

However, the author tells us statistically that most people in the world are mediocre and lead a life of disservice. Forcing yourself to pursue a love life that does not belong to you will only bring trouble. Although your love is very ordinary, but also can live wonderful!

2. Boredom is a fundamental part of a stable relationship

According to author Mark Manson, one of the most important factors in a strong relationship is that a partner spends boring time together.

Imagine the old couple you might see on the street every day, the secret of staying together for half a century! It must not be because of how powerful their love is, but because everyone will accompany each other and kill boring time together in the long relationship, such as: Cooking a simple dinner together, watching netflix together, or soaking up some fresh air in nature together are not special activities, but they allow couples to enjoy each others company.

3. Accepting boredom in a relationship is not the same as being a boring person

Nowadays, many people are very afraid of becoming boring people, and they think that dating must have a lot of activities, schedules, etc., in order to be a perfect dating. However, author Mark Manson says that accepting boredom doesnt mean that couples stay home and do nothing, just that they dont have to plan dates or schedules too deliberately. Enjoy the boring moment between couples actually care about the time we accompany each other, between couples to grow, we must learn to enjoy boring together!

4 tips for a stable, long-term relationship

In addition to the aforementioned boring relationship pattern that can maintain a stable long-term relationship, Love expert Mark Manson has published an article titled 6 Healthy Relationship Habits Most People Think are Toxic on the secrets of long-term relationships, but the secrets are controversial. Let me share with you now and see what you think.

1. There are some friction/problems between couples that dont need to be resolved

Love expert Mark Manson points out that it is impossible for couples to talk to each other and solve all the problems, that a couple who can maintain a stable long-term relationship is willing to accept, and that it is normal for people to have friction or disagreements.

2. Be willing to tell your partner the truth

Mark Manson shared a story about how his wife likes to ask him how he is dressed before going out, and he said that he will tell the truth, and many men may answer at this moment. But he said he would speak from the heart. Mark Manson says honesty is very important in a relationship.

3. Accept your partners flaws

Mark Manson says everyone has flaws and flaws, and you can never force your partner to change. So the partner should accept the other halfs flaws, and even appreciate the other sides shortcomings. Thats how you have a long lasting relationship.

4. Give each other some distance

Couples should give each other some appropriate distance, continue to maintain some of their own interests and preferences, dont the whole world is only around their partners, appropriate space for everyone is also good!


how to get along

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