The way to get along with love

The way to get along with love

There are too many couples, because they can not survive the temporary anger, can not pull the face of the moment, and finally are forced to go to the intersection of forks. Perhaps we should always remind ourselves of the reason why we chose to be together in the first place. Isnt it because of love? Perhaps love is like a business, it is difficult to start a business, but it is more difficult to keep a business. But there is also a saying that goes, Nothing is difficult, if you put your heart into it. Today, Xiaobian would like to talk with you about the way to get along between couples. Is it really a step back?

1. Have some trust in each other

Today, no matter how long youve been together, no matter how close your relationship is, remember to give each other some personal space. Never call each other all the time to ask them what they are doing, where they are, who they are with, and so on. A lot of times, too much caring turns into boredom. Must have trust in the other half, the future is still a long way, if the most basic trust can not be done, how to live in the future?

2. Dont compare other peoples boyfriends/girlfriends, especially exes!

You have to believe that your partner is unique in the world. We also dont want to be compared to other peoples partners. In fact, its just like when we were young, our mother always liked to compare us with other children. Once you have the psychology of comparison, it is equivalent to belittling the other side, because if you really feel good, why do you compare? In fact, every couple has a different mode of getting along, as long as the heart to feel, heart to love, that Ta is your best rely on.

3.Casually break up

Remember that angry words often make people regret, so dont say the word break up, because it is only bad than good. A relationship, if you can easily say break up, on behalf of the fact is not so precious, maybe you just want the other half to coax you back, but say break up is definitely the most stupid way. Say it enough. One day it will happen.

4.Negate the other party

Remember, compliments always sound better than put-downs. Many times, some people like to use the name of love to belittle each other, but this is definitely not a good way to oh. If you really love a person, like a person, should be brave to express it, rather than often blame and satire.

5.Treat sex as a transaction

Sex is an equal thing, should let nature take its course, rather than use it as a bargaining chip to threaten the other half. To do so is only a hundred harm and no benefit yo!

6. Speak the truth all the time

In fact, the truth is, we all know that many times when venting more expect to get the other half of the empathy. If you can not accompany each other to vent, then choose silence, because silence is also a way to accompany. It is important to remember that the relationship between two people is a couple, not a parent. Truth can be said, but definitely not when the other party is very excited, because at this time, the other party will not listen to it! Wait until you calm down to talk, not only can let the other party listen, but also wont hurt each others feelings.

7. Dont forget your roots

In fact, love is also a deep knowledge, to master the degree of love. While loving each other, you must remember to have your own life. Many times, because we are too full of love, we lose ourselves, all of life is centered on the other half, and we also lose the value of our own life. But it doesnt do a relationship any good. Everyone deserves to be loved and cherished, so be sure to have confidence and constantly strive to increase your value, for you and for the one you love.

8.Force the other party to admit their mistake

Maybe sometimes, in order to prove that we are right, we want to force each other to admit mistakes. But forced out of the mistake may be just because of their love for you temporarily overcome the right and wrong, but at the same time left a small knot in the heart, and such a knot after accumulation, one day will break out. More time to admit mistakes does not prove anything, so we must learn to pull down the face, the person in front of you is the person you want to live a lifetime, there is nothing good to worry about in front of him.

The above is a small share of Xiaobian, in fact, Xiaobian believes that every one of you looking at this article is to manage your love. Whether it is affection or love, it takes time to manage. And sincerely is the best way to manage, as long as the heart, with love, every relationship must be able to go to the end! Xiaobian wishes every couple happiness and can get your happiness, because you all deserve to be loved!


how to get along

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