7 Ways to Get her to like you

7 Ways to Get her to like you

When getting ready to go out on a date with the person you like, all we know is that after being excited, nervous, and then still nervous! Since its a date, the most important thing is how to show your best self in front of her. We dont care about what we want to talk about, but seemingly trivial things such as clothing and behavior may affect your next development. How to make her have a better impression of you after a date without ruthlessly blocking or deleting you immediately. Here are 7 things you must pay attention to.

Rule 1. Sweet men are always liked:

If shes pretty or dresses nicely, dont hesitate to say so, and open the door for her whenever there is a door (unless there is a Waiter). When she is about to walk down the stairs, please extend your arm out, in addition to allowing the other person to support you, it will make her feel safe with you, but not too much. Again, a tip for you, you can observe the details of her body during the date, such as hairstyle, the next time you meet changes may wish to compliment, she will feel that you really pay attention to her.

Rule 2. Go Out Confident:

Everyone is nervous about a first date. Just being a little more confident than others goes a long way. Girls dont like a guy whos scared. How do you open up a conversation? At this time, you can put forward a few questions that you can talk about, which will make the atmosphere more natural and comfortable, but never take some family chores as the topic, which will only make people want to quickly escape from the date, if you really cant think of the topic, it is suggested that you can ask more questions, and then find out what you have in common.

Although it sounds very simple, but to find the same interest is still difficult, if your hobby is watching football with beer, and the other side happens to be a girl who hates sports, it may not be able to Work out, it is recommended to be yourself, good at ease, do not cater to others, otherwise the future will not be happy.

Rule 3. Make yourself comfortable, its awkward:

It is OK to drink some wine on the first date, after all, no one wants to go to a western restaurant with a stranger to have a completely awkward atmosphere and nothing to talk about. If the first meeting is to go to a bar, you can take her to a bar with not too many people and a sense of romance, which is more relaxed. This can also allow girls to observe your behavior in this environment and test your gentlemanly demeanor. Definitely dont take her to those little bars you just Google, and the most important thing is that no matter where you want to go, as a man, you dont feel comfortable, its easy for girls to want to leave early.

As an aside, the first and second dates can be on weekends or weekdays, but the date after the third is best to focus on the weekend, because if the two people are very good, the girl will often start thinking about what the weekend was doing, if you know that you are obviously nothing but did not ask her out, the girl will not only start thinking, but also feel that you are not so interested in spending more time with her.

Rule 4. Neat appearance is important:

The first date is the best chance to show yourself, and first impressions are absolutely important! If you look like you just woke up, your date will definitely think you dont care. Get a haircut! Or its worth investing in a new outfit. Remember that hygiene is important, and no one wants to date someone with a smelly mouth and body.

Rule 5. Always Have a brain Trust:

If youre a little unsure of what to do, or you want to know if youre OK at the moment, ask a friend if your date location is suitable, which may help you avoid some landmines, or see if they think you look good or bad today, but dont put on the one that everyone knows is ugly but you love. You know which one Im talking about, right?

Rule 6. Look at the person when you speak:

When you are dating a person at the same time, she should be the center of your focus, ask more questions about her, listen to her answers, please do not want to secretly look at the watch, mobile phone, or peek at the beauty of the next table! Im telling you, she sees it all!

Rule 7. Let me pay:

The first date, please a guest is harmless, and you can let the other party think that you are really considerate, pushing the bill is absolutely a very ugly choice, or to pay not to pay the heart unwilling to, there is not enough square, even if the original chat how good, but also in the end all disillusioned, we know that no one does not care about money, sometimes pay a little does not mean that the loss, If you plan to see her again in the future, this is a chance to make her feel even better about you.


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