Just look at this day! 15 First date master guide must be collected! Escape room

Just look at this day! 15 First date master guide must be collected! Escape room

The first date plays a very awkward and important role. You may laugh when you look back on the first date, but it has to be said that the first date is really the most nerve-wracking time to start a relationship. In addition to worrying about what to wear (too much for fear of sweating, too little for fear of embarrassment), not to mention the topic of the date, but also where to ask out and what to do! The best advice is always not to be too complicated or too intense, to avoid becoming an embarrassing nightmare in life! Here are 15 fun, non-awkward first date tips to avoid embarrassing cancer.

First date master guide 1: Wine tasting

If you love wine (not binge drinking), or want to learn more about wine/become the type of person who loves wine, wine tasting can be both educational and fun. Try different types of wine, describe your tastes to each other, feed your date olives or delicious charcuterie, there are many group wine tastings you can sign up for together, and get yourself going without any embarrassment (dont get drunk!).

First date master guide 2: outdoor movie theater

Going to the movies is a super old-fashioned date plan, but its actually embarrassing! Not only is there not much opportunity to communicate, but the first date will break up directly if the taste of the movie is very different! An outdoor cinema is a different atmosphere as people will be more inclined to chat and can usually enjoy some wine and snacks and enjoy the setting sun atmosphere.

First date master guide 3: Look at the stars

Looking at the stars is a lovely and romantic thing, and there have been surveys showing that 36% of people want to look at the stars with their partners, and even learn the names of the stars together. Although not everyone knows about astronomy, chatting under the stars is romantic enough!

First date master guide 4: Amusement park

The amusement park is a classic date spot, but it is recommended to check each others courage for the facility beforehand. Riding a roller coaster or carousel together increases the chances of laughter and avoids the awkwardness of having too much empty time to talk.

First date master guide 5: board game store

Now there are many board game stores, even if they do not play at all, the clerk can also serve as a teaching and assisting hand! In addition to the game can be dispersed embarrassment, through different types of board games can also see each others hidden personality, such as competitive, positive, IQ and so on.

First date master guide 6: Bounce bed sports hall

Sure, it may not be possible to feel confident about the idea of dating like watching boobs/hair/chin meat jump around, but the bounce bed is a lot of fun. The bounce bed allows for a little bit of physical contact, screaming and laughing to avoid awkward conversations. However, if both people do not like sports, there is no reference.

First date master guide 7: Escape room

Escape rooms have become very popular in dating because having actual tasks to do means that any awkward or strange silences can be avoided, and escape rooms are very fun. Two people can focus on something together, can promote communication between two people, and will become funny jokes in retrospect!

First date master guide 8: picnic

A picnic can basically be sitting in a nice park and having a good conversation while drinking canned juice and eating snacks.

First date master guide 9: See the exhibition

If you know in advance that you have a common interest, you can find the right museum or exhibition. There are a lot of interactive exhibits, no need to keep quiet, you can have some fun manual machine or DIY.

First date expert guide 10: Walk the dog

Do your research first. If its cat pie, go to the cat cafe. If dog pie happens to have a dog, go walk the dog together! Running with the dog, making fun, fun and happy!

First Date master guide 11: Darts bar

Two people happen to be nocturnal people, you can go to the darts bar! Have a bite to eat, a drink, and then play darts together! Darts look hard, but you can have a lot of fun with just a few tricks. Darts machines also have different match mechanics and games, which are varied. (Another said: boys can also hold a girls hand to lose yo)

First date master guide 12: Walk

Old school but classic date. Grab a cup of coffee and go for a nice, relaxing walk, be it a street, an alley, a park or a cafe. Stop to eat ice cream, play on the swing, or feed the fish.

First date master guide 13: Ride a bike

The necessary plot of campus love! Too tired to ride the bike is good! The wind blowing incense, facing the sunset, how romantic!

First date master guide 14: candlelight dinner

If you dont want to get fancy, choose a nice restaurant, dress up, and go out for a stylish dinner.

First Date expert guide 15: Go to a concert

Listen to your favorite singer sing together, scream, shake the fluorescent stick or sing along, regardless of intonation or not, just enjoy the warm singing and atmosphere together! The editors friend is because of listening to the group made like-minded other half!


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